Friday, October 21, 2011

Stealing time to sew

I had a rare Thursday opportunity to sew. I often feel like I'm stealing time when I escape to the basement workspace and make progress. It's gotten cold in the midwest this week, and the basement isn't very warm, but I felt the call to sew instead of read. Amanda still found me and I did some consulting with her on a Spanish homework assignment. No, Spanish is not one of my talents, but it was nice to discuss essay ideas with her while I pondered each t-shirt and how to best add the colors and borders. So I didn't work very fast, but got more of the t-shirts done. Another chunk is how I think of it. The chunk isn't added to the bigger piece yet. I have some discrepancy in vertical measurements I need to correct. I'm really watching the width and length as I combine pieces to avoid the problem I had with my first t-shirt quilt. That was very hard to get squared up at the corners.

So here is where I have it so far:
Those bright colors on the yellow background may need to be replaced. They really jump out at you. I'll wait to see how the last panel to its right shapes up. This is just how my piecing method works. I don't preplan how to finish each block, but work block by block. I wait to see how it plays with it's neighbors. No precutting all the borders and putting all the pieces up on the wall before sewing. I'd never get the measurements right. For my t-shirt quilts, this way works best. As usual, I am feeling constrained by the number of fabrics I pulled for the borders. Twelve doesn't seem to be enough, and I've gone back to the stash for more.

I like how it's shaping up. This quilt makes me smile.

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