Monday, October 24, 2011


Literally. It felt like fall around here all weekend to me, even though it warmed up a bit. So I reacted by overindulging in things I like to do, instead of should do.

I made time to add more to the t-shirt quilt. Here it is with the top two-thirds pieced, and a few blocks in the lower portion begun.
I still wasn't loving that bright block in the center. I came up with the following adaptation, but it still isn't final. It does seem to tone down the brightness:
 Then Amanda and I spent some serious time with one of her college application essay. She labored over every sentence, phrase, and word. I like it. Now to get that application sent off. Only one more application to do, and that one needs two essays. One she will get by reworking what she has. Only 8 more days!

The balance of my free time was spent buried in a good novel by Stephen King. It's been a while since I gave myself permission to stay up late, ignore all but the essential tasks, and tune out the world. My only gripe is I am only half done with the book. I'm itching to get back to it. Oh, but work calls.

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