Monday, June 25, 2012

And I call myself a quilter!

Which is hard to do, unless I actually quilt! Any progress I've made has been with great reluctance, and primarily because I have friends who quilt with me once a month.

I spent some time since the March post quilting the borders on Rosemary's t-shirt quilt, and now I hate the way the borders look. I plan to rip out the offending stitches that introduced unwanted ripples. I just had to put it away.

I have finished the quilting/thread work on Mitchell's cat, and bought fabric in the closest brown to put for the frame per Mitchell's original. I think I do like this one. I meant to take it with me for some sewing with friends yesterday, but I forgot to pack it. Drat-it most likely would have been done except for the label and binding.

So instead I quilted a cheater panel I'll donate to the guild, and a friendship star block for a grieving friend.

It really seems like making myself do these projects is WORK, when I want it to be fun, or relaxing, or inspirational.

So I need to step back and recount all the changes and non-quilting events going on that had me preoccupied:

Both girls graduated
I had three round trips to St. Louis in seven days
A nephew got married
I entertained my office for a going away party
I had international guests over for a fun dinner
Rosemary got her first full time job
Amanda is gathering for her college experience: computers, bedding....
Two funerals 

What's still pending: 
Decision on a trip to Colorado: how, when??
A serious visit to my sewing space to spruce it up and decide on what I want to work on instead of what I need to work on.
