Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Non-quilting UFO complete

A couple of decades ago, I adopted a needlepoint project from my grandmother. The colors were done, and some of the black in the center was done. There was plenty of black wool yarn in the bag to complete the project. I just needed the will and the time to do the stitching. I worked on it off and on over the years, often getting a few inches done, and then setting it aside for way too long. Then I'd rediscover it, and do the same. Well, last summer I found it again and this time I set myself a goal of having it complete by this March spring break. I beat my own schedule by finishing the stitching last night. I need to carefully wash and then block the piece. It has lots of random cat hairs and it is a bit skewed. Then instead of covering a piece of furniture with it (chair back, piano bench), I'll have it matted and framed to display on the wall. I really like it. The colors don't come through very well, but it has a light olive green, tans, subtle blue, and a rusty red/orange in it. i suspect it came with the colors already applied to it, and I wouldn't be surprised if Grandma got it as a hand-me-down from a neighbor or friend that just didn't have time for all that handwork. Regardless of how she came by it, I say "Good taste big Grandma".

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