Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What! Another project?

Yes, I'm jumping all over the place with quilt projects. I think it's the time of year (yeah, sure), but I seem to want to drift my attention here and there on things. So I got the t's off the design wall, after measuring and mapping their layout. I didn't pack them away; otherwise I don't know when I'd dig them out to make into a top. I used the design wall to put up the center medallion of gaggy 30's flower vases; I really need a different name for this quilt or it will go down in history as the gaggy 30's quilt. Somehow 'gaggy' may make it onto the label. Then I laid out the paper piecing templates above the medallion. I have my birthday Friday off, and I want to see how many of those elements I can get done. Then I pulled out this fantastic copy of an original piece of work my nephew Mitchell made. Here it is:
My plan for this was to use Cynthia England's technique to paper piece this in fabric. After working with her technique though, I'm reverting back to using Sharon Malec's technique of gluing together pieces. So I stopped the straight line drafting and converted it to the more fluid lines below:
You can see the black and white, gridded version of the photo above, and how I've put the major lines of the picture in the larger draft. Here it is a bit clearer:

Since taking this photo, I've added some colored pencil shadings to help me see how the fabrics may go on. Since I can't shade this with fabric as well as Mitchell did with his medium, I worry the transitions will be too harsh. I won't know until I've tried a section of the picture. If the sections end too abruptly, my plan is to then abandon the Malec style and go with raw edge fusible. Then I can clip furry edges. Plus I know I can quilt in some of the light or shaded details later. 

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