So it's the day after the retreat. Wow, what a productive day. Usually I work on several projects, moving each one along a little bit to the next stage. This time I chose to devote it all to piecing together t-shirts I inherited from my dad. They represent many, but not all, of the places he visited. He loved an excuse to see something new and different. Every year, upon returning from a trip, he'd say he'd finally seen all the parts of the world he ever wanted to see. A year later, he'd have a new destination in mind that he had wanted to see all his life. It wouldn't be long before he was on his way again. I'll probably take it to my next three day weekend to quilt it. It was also practice for t-shirt quilts waiting in the wings for my daughters, with their youthful memories recorded in their shirts, and my niece, and a memory of her father. I figured better to make mistakes first on my quilt, and learn accordingly.
This is the full quilt top. It is about twin bed size. I may add a solid fabric border all around to make sure it is truly rectangular, and to contain the shirts more. If you click on the image, it should go to a blown up version of this.

This is the bottom half of the quilt. That's Switzerland top right. Bottom right is too dark to see, but there is Toledo, and then Turkey down there. The wonderful bird was from Costa Rica. After that is the top half.